30 plants Commonly Found in
and around San Elijo Lagoon
BY Michael L. Charters, Sierra Madre,
CA http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/photographsmainindex.html

Alkali Heath
(Frankenia salina)
- Found
in high marsh
- Pink
summer blooms are insect pollinated
- Edges
on small flat leaves are sometimes rolled giving the leaf a needle shape

Arroyo willow
(Salix lasiollepsis)
- grows
in riparian zone
- aspirin
comes from bark
- flexible
branches used to make baskets and huts

Black sage
(Salvia mellifera)
- Found
in coastal sage and chaparral
- Tiny
seeds were gathered, ground, and made into meal
- “Mellifera” means “honey bearing”

Bladderpod (Isomeris
- Found
along seashore bluffs as well as dry desert sands
- Characteristic
disagreeable smell in leaf and blossom
- Fat
pea pods are a prominent feature in fall-winter

(Baccharis sarothroides)
- Grows
in disturbed chaparral
- Once
used for brooms, brushes, toothrbrushes
- Male
and female flowers are on different plants

California (Eriogonum fasciculatum)
- Common
in dry uplands
- Blue
butterfly especially likes pollen and nectar. Birds eat the seeds
- Tea
brewed from leaves used to cure headache and stomach aches

(Scirpus californicus)
- Mostly
found in freshwater but tolerates brackish water
- Seeds,
fruits, and stems important food source for mammals and birds
- Light
footed clapper rail has adapted to habitat

Bush sunflower
(Encelia californica)
- Found
on coastal bluffs and slopes
- Flowers
have bright yellow rays with brown centers
- Blooms
from January-July, excellent nectar source for many insects

(Typha latifolia)
- Common
in freshwater marshes in coastal California
- Blooms
in June-July
- Leaves
of cattails were made into mats by Indians

- Signature
plant of chaparral
- Nicknamed
greasewood, burns fast and gives off a thick black smoke
- Tea
from leaves was said to cure tetanus, rabies, and syphilis

Ceanothus, Wart-Stem (Ceanothus verrucosus)
- Coastal
Chaparral and Sage scrub
- Sometimes
called popcorn bush b/c of popcorn sound of seeds bursting in summer
- Washing
with leaves relieved itching, especially from poison oak

Coastal goldenbush (Isocoma menziesii)
- Common
in dry sandy slopes
- Blooms
until late fall
- Typically
last nectar source for insects, especially butterflies

Prickly Pear (Opuntia
- Pads
and fruit of this cactus are edible
- Spines
were used to apply tattoos
- Plant
supports insect cochineal

Cordgrass (Spartina foliosa)
- Grows
in low marsh – roots are bathed in salt water
- Male
flowers have pollen, stigmas on female flowers
catch pollen.
- Home
to endangered bird, light footed clapper rail

Cottonwood (populis fremontii)
- Found
in riparian habitats
- Deciduous
growing to 70’
- Produces
a lot of cottony seed litter

Deerweed (Lotus
- Common
shrub grows on dry disturbed habitat
- Red
flowers fading to red after pollination
- Nitrogen-fixing
(ba cteria in root
change N in air into a form plants can use)

Dodder (Cuscuta californica)
- Absence
of green shows a true parasite
- Parasitic
on Sage, Buckwheat and Deerweed
- Also
known as Love-vine, Devil’s Hair,
Witch Hair
and Golden thread

Elderberry (Sambucus caerulea)
- Twigs
and branches used to make flutes and whistles
- Late
summer berries provide food supply for migrating birds, are also edible
- Tea
was made from blossoms to treat fever, colds, flu and stomach disorders

Laurel Sumac
(Rhus laurina)
- Indicator
of frost-free climate
- Produces
seeds for birds and mammals throughout the winter
- Relative
of poison oak, some people react to it
Lemonade berry
- Abundant
in coastal sage
- Thick
waxy leaves
- Summer
berries are coated with sticky substance that tastes like lemon

Monkey Flower, Coast (Diplacus puniceus)
- Can
you see monkey face in the flower?
- Leaves
are sticky and borne in pairs along the pale brown stems
- Tubular,
red flowers attract hummingbirds

Fat (Baccharis sp.)
- Found
in coastal sage and chaparral
- Blooms
all year, has fragrant root
- Thought
to be favorite browse of livestock

Pickleweed (sarcocornia
Found throughout salt marsh, salt accumulator,
also called chicken claws
Plant is edible and used in salads
Home to endangered Belding’s Savanah
Sparrow – birds nest and eat seeds.

(Artemisia californica)
- One
of dominant plants in Coastal Sage
- Smells
sagey, but is not related to sage
- Indians
and early settlers used it as a flea repellant
Salt grass
(Distichlis spicata)
Grows over a wide area – from middle of salt
marsh to wet salty inland places
Salt excreter
Endangered butterfly, the wandering skipper,
lays eggs on salt grass leaves

Shoregrass (Monanthochloe littoralis)
- Found
in high marsh, salt excreter
- Prickly
and sharp leaf tips
- Produces
seeds for birds and mammals

Spiny rush
- Found
in coastal saltmarsh in brackish locales
- Juncus baskets made from plant, when bound tight can
hold water
- Tips
are very sharp, can be used as needle and thread

Tree Tobacco
(Nicotiana glauca)
- Non-native
from South America –not typically invasive here
- Long
tubular yellow flowers can bloom year-round
- All
plant parts are poisonous

(Heteromeles arbutifolia)
- Found
in coastal sage and chaparral
- Also
called Christmas berry or CA Holly – Hollywood
was named for this bush
- Berries
are a favorite food for birds, foxes; were also eaten by Native Americans
Wild cucumber
(Marah macrocarpus)
- Found
in coastal sage and chaparral
- Also
called manroot due to man-sized root, pulverized
roots were used to stun fish
- Prickly
fruits are inedible, but oil from seeds were believed to cure baldness